Early Bird: Sarah’s AM Routine

November 30 // à la Sarah Kurdt


I’ve always loved the early mornings. They are dark, quiet, and give me space to process my thoughts peacefully. Even in college, when everyone was sleeping in until the last possible minute, I was up bright eyed and bushy-tailed ready to head to the dining hall. (The con to this early bird lifestyle is I go to bed before everyone else.) I walk through a typical morning below. Keep in mind I am currently unemployed, so this routine is subject to change!

6:45 AM

Wake up (usually to a meowing kitten at my bedroom door) and grab my trusty pink Hydroflask for a few sips. (Those water bottles keep your water cold overnight, it is very impressive.)

7:00 AM

Head to the kitchen to feed my cat George (yum, 7am salmon!) and check my phone for any notifications. I’ve kept up the habit of leaving my phone outside of the bedroom and I am never going back to co-sleeping with my phone again.


7:15 AM

Eat breakfast. I know this is controversial, but I like to eat right when I wake up! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so I’m usually excited to dig in. Lately I’ve been on an oatmeal kick since it’s getting colder out. I have sprouted oatmeal, Nuzest vanilla protein, blueberries, Wild Friends peanut butter & a sprinkle of cinnamon. I’ll also take my Omega 3 supplement with breakfast. (I take this because I don’t eat fish.)

7:30 AM

My favorite part of the morning. I set up my laptop, journal & beverage of choice in the living room. I grab my decaf coffee (with Califa Farms creamer) or matcha with almond milk. I’ll use this hour to journal, read other blogs (such as Cupcakes and Cashmere), catch up on the news, work on a Camp Peach post, order groceries for delivery, etc. This is the time I use to gather my thoughts, let my brain wake up, and get organized for the day.


8:30 AM

Freshen up. I’ll brush my teeth, put in my contacts & analyze the hair situation. I like to rinse my face with water and spray on Biossance Toning Mist, then apply Skinceuticals C E Ferulic Serum, moisturizer, lip balm and sunscreen. I love the Evan Healy Balm, which I use on my under eyes, lips & cuticles.


9:00 AM

Go for a walk. I’ve found it really helpful for my mental health to bundle up and get out of the apartment at least once a day. I’ll usually call my Mom or listen to a podcast while I walk around the neighborhood. (My walks can be anywhere from 15 min to an hour, depending on the weather!) My favorite podcasts right now are The Skinny Confidential & Just The Good Stuff.


Holiday Hair: Long & Short


Bestie in Beauty