The Engagement

December 10 // à la Zoe Williams


It’s funny that I am sharing my proposal story, because honestly I still don’t feel like it’s real! Even funnier is that I knew it was coming, not down to the exact day or week, but I guess you can never truly be prepared for the rush of emotions that you will feel. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind in the best possible way and I am so grateful for the outpouring of love and support from our friends and family. I also have to shout out my fiancé Jimmy (eek feels weird to say) for being the man I so easily could say yes to a million times over!

The Proposal

Immediately post proposal aka crying my eyes out here

Immediately post proposal aka crying my eyes out here

A little more put together post engagement picture

A little more put together post engagement picture

I knew it was coming. Jimmy and I have very open lines of communication, which I am extremely thankful for, and engagement is something we had thoroughly discussed and both felt ready for. I was also involved in the ring process (more on that to come), so I knew when the timeframe began to narrow. Jimmy was adamant though that it wouldn’t be ready until mid-December.

That being said, I had NO idea it was coming on Thanksgiving. Looking back on it, did it seem a bit odd when Jimmy asked my opinion on four different outfits for Thanksgiving, yes, but at the time it didn’t register (I love giving my opinion in this arena). I was especially looking forward to Thanksgiving this year as we were very lucky to be able to have Jimmy’s mother and father come to my parent’s home. I was excited to be able to spend time with both our families, especially amid the craziness of 2020.

On the way to my parents, Jimmy asked if we normally go around and discuss what we are grateful for before eating, which we don’t, but I was more than happy to incorporate it when it came time to eat. As we begun to go around the table, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude to be able to be surrounded by the people I love. When it got to be Jimmy’s turn he started out with saying he was thankful for Muffy our dog, of course! Then he spoke about his parents and mine and finally got to me. Jimmy expressed how much he loved me and how excited he was for us and our own future family one day (whoa!). Then he said “on that note” and got up from his seat. I immediately started bawling.

He came around the table and got down on one knee. I honestly have no recollection of what he was saying as I was overwhelmed by emotion. My parents and his also had no idea! Jimmy’s mom had actually asked him fifteen minutes before when the ring would be ready and he gave her the same “mid-December” spiel.

Family is extremely important to both Jimmy and me and I cannot express how much it meant to me for our parents to be there and for it to happen in the home I grew-up in surrounded by many fond memories. To be in the presence of the people we love, celebrating our love was perfection.

My parents

My parents

Jimmy’s parents

Jimmy’s parents

The Ring

Ring by Nine Roses

Ring by Nine Roses

Ring by Nine Roses

Ring by Nine Roses

Okay let’s talk about the ring! As I mentioned, I was involved in the design process, which I know to some people is not the most romantic, but hey your girl knows what she wants. To me, sharing in the design process gives the ring additional sentimental value.

Jimmy and I shopped around for both custom jewelers in Richmond and Nova. I originally went to Diamonds Direct to try on styles to see what I liked on my finger, which I strongly advise. I initially was thinking of an emerald cut, but I have long and skinny fingers so it did not do much for me in that category. It was there that I fell in love with a three stone setting, specifically a round center with half moon side stones.

After shopping around, we discovered Nine Roses (highly recommend) which is local to Richmond, VA where we live. I fell in love with their work, they have so many unique custom pieces. I worked directly with one of the owners, Nick, to come up with the design and setting. I saw renderings of what he designed, but the final ring was a surprise and it was amazing to see it come to life!

I sincerely am overwhelmed by feelings of love and gratitude and can’t wait for our next chapter!


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