Healthy Chips & Crisps Product Review

January 4 // à la Sarah Kurdt

Another product review is here! I went the salty route this time and reviewed four healthy & crunchy snacks on camera. All of the snacks are dairy free and gluten free.

Sarah tries four healthy, salty, crunchy snacks and reviews them. Watch until the end for the #1 rec! From The Ground Up Cauliflower StalksLesser Evil Paleo ...

From The Ground Up Cauliflower Stalks The favorite. These are light, crunchy, and fun to eat. They remind me of a Bugle and/or a Veggie Straw.

Lesser Evil Paleo Puffs "No Cheese" These were dense and chalky, with not much flavor. I would not purchase these again.

Rhythm Kale Chips These were the only snack with fiber & protein. They taste strongly of greens, but I’d recommend these kale chips if you are OK with that. These would definitely satisfy the “crunch” craving without the guilt.

Barnana Sea Salt & Vinegar Plantain Chips These are thick and super crunchy. They taste very strongly of vinegar at first bite - so only try these if you are a vinegar fan! I’d eat these again.


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