Ritually Well

January 8 // à la Zoe Williams

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Looking forward to what the new year will bring I have decided that I really wanted to focus on my mental and physical wellbeing. It seems like a daunting task to focus on something so broad that encompasses so much, but I am hoping by focusing on daily rituals it will make an impact. I truly feel it’s the smallest things that can make the biggest difference when it comes to our headspace and happiness including these slight ways we can adjust our daily routines. So here’s to rituals versus resolutions!

A Cup + A Chapter

Every morning I drink a cup of coffee (check out my favorite bulletproof coffee recipe here). I’ve decided to set aside 15 minutes in the morning to read a chapter of a career related/inspirational book before I start my work day. I used to do this and it would get me excited for the day and put me in a productive headspace. First on the list is: Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger.

All the Essential…Oils

My mom got me the Happy Spritz Mini Box Set for Christmas and I am loving it. I try to spritz throughout the day for a mood boost. There’s also a great scent in this set for first thing in the morning and right before bed!

Dry Brushing

I used to habitually dry brush all the time and have completely neglected the habit. I am going to start doing this again before I shower. It has so many benefits (increased blood circulation, exfoliation properties and can even help with cellulite) and I’ve seen great results in the past. It’s also relaxing. Here’s a dry brush if you want to try it out!

Better Zzzs

Focusing on better sleep is something I’m really working at as it really sets the tone for the day. Here’s a couple ways I am doing this:

  1. Taking Olly Sleep Vitamins before bed - I am obsessed with these and have noticed a difference in how easily I can fall asleep.

  2. Drinking Magnesium - I love the Garden of Life magnesium.

  3. Getting into bed 30-minutes earlier to wind down with no screen time before bed. I try to get 8 hours of sleep each night.


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