PMS Tips & Tricks

January 11 // à la Sarah Kurdt

Women’s Hotel Robe in Rainbow from Hill House Home, Croissant Ring from Etsy

Women’s Hotel Robe in Rainbow from Hill House Home, Croissant Ring from Etsy

Hello, and happy new year! Today’s topic is a little “personal” but it’s 2021, so we are talking about it.

I didn’t have my period for 3 years. After working with my doctor to get it back, I have been hit with the PMS symptoms hard. (I’m grateful to have it back, but jeez.)

Below are some tips & tricks I use to get through the week:

1) Use a heating pad. I am obsessed with mine which you can find here. It is so comforting on your abdomen area and make sure to get one that automatically turns off in case you fall asleep! (Been there.)

2) Take magnesium. Magnesium has been shown to improve muscle cramps and overall relax your body. I like the Natural Vitality Calm drink but you can also get in a pill form. P.S. Dark chocolate is also a source of magnesium…

3) Take a hot shower or bath. Get out your nicest body wash and happiest candle. The warm temperature can be super soothing.

4) Do some light yoga or walking. When I am on my period, I reach ultimate sloth state. I don’t want to move at all. However, when the pain is really bad - I have found that some gentle movement can help alleviate that. I specifically love Yoga with Adriene for Cramps and PMS.

Join Adriene and Benji in this gentle, loving practice created to support you, whether you are feeling physical pain, discomfort, or just need a little TLC.T...

5) Sip on ginger tea. Ginger tea is the ultimate comfort beverage. The ginger is said to lower pain and inflammation in the body. I stick with the Yogi brand.

6) Get educated on your menstrual cycle. I find it fascinating to track my cycle (I use the Flo app, which is free.) There are so many connections between which phase of the month you are in to your energy level, mood, cravings and nutritional needs. Abbey Sharp, a Registered Dietician, breaks down these phases really well.

NOTE EXCLUSIVE LANGUAGE- Gah I am so sorry, I was not thinking inclusively. This is something I have been actively working on (this video was shot months a...

What are your favorite tips for PMS? I’d love to hear! Xo.


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