Woke Up Like This

August 19 // à la Zoe Williams


I’ve been in a morning routine funk recently and rolling out of bed right into the day wasn’t helping. So I decided to switch it up! I came up with the list below and told myself I would wake-up thirty minutes earlier and incorporate 1-2 things on this list into my morning routine each day. It’s easiest to make time for ourselves first thing in the morning and by looking forward to how we start our day it sets us up successfully to make the most out of the day ahead.

Work It

I find that starting my day with movement is the quickest wake-up call and easiest mood changer.

  • Get outside and take a walk or go for a run (make a morning playlist, listen to your favorite podcast or use a meditation app)

  • Do an at-home workout video like Melissa Wood Health

  • Hold yourself accountable and take a group exercise class like [solidcore]

  • Try Camp Peach’s Sculpt & Stretch video (it seriously only takes five minutes)

Treat Yourself

Make something yummy to look forward to when you wake up. Try these recipes:

Start Your Day with Gratitude

  • Write down three things you are grateful for to start the day

  • Reach out to someone you love and send them a message of gratitude

  • Do a fifteen minute yoga/meditation and dedicate your practice to something/someone you are grateful for

Feeling Fresh

  • Start the day with a face mask (Sweet Chef Kale Mask is a fave) and a chapter of a motivating book. I have been reading How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith and am absolutely loving it. The book addresses the bad habits that are holding you back in your next career move that you probably didn’t even know you had.

  • Put in those air pods and turn on your favorite podcast (try Diet Starts Tomorrow) or playlist and tackle an organizational project, load of laundry or the dishes. Start your day on a productive note!


Bubble Bath Heaven


Sip on this. The drink I use to kick start my day.